ice cream is not cold food? You sure? Never hear that treatment before, well, if it works, it is most important. [版主回覆07/28/2011 08:15:00]係『7』草綱目話,個神農氏係7e 呢樣野係古方,有左好耐,不過我都係呢2年先由我個醫師度知道,我都係騐住唔使放入口又唔太貴,試下無妨,點知真係work~
It is so funny. Australia's air is very fresh and clear but a lot of Australian especially young kids suffer asthma. [版主回覆07/29/2011 08:21:00]咁可能同媽媽懷孕時有關, 我發覺而家仲多左小朋友鼻膜薄添呀,流鼻血好難止
咁7草乂乂有冇話汽水不是生冷嘢。well 如果不雪凍佢這說法可成立.will you drink a coke at 36 degree or 4 degree?咁去飲熱茶仲健康啦. [版主回覆07/29/2011 08:24:00]汽水有無雪凍都係生冷野呀, 因為我戎到..好少飲, 但雪糕戎唔到呀...所以被列入非生冷食品lor...haaaa~
我姪女都是thin鼻膜佢好誇張one squeeze佢就流鼻血just like turn on the tap. She would held her nose in the toilet forever. [版主回覆07/29/2011 14:37:00]再係咁..可以用冰敷o係個後尾枕同額頭...但唔好"鍊"個鼻骨
我邊度都無去。something is about the yahoo upgrade. A lot of people are talking. I have no idea what happen! 我想my blog is not that good so it is not bother me too much. A lot og bloggers love their blog and put Hugh effort to make it part of their life so it is a concern for them. [版主回覆08/02/2011 10:14:00]無錯~ 因為人類已經生活o係第四世界...太沉迷會有反效果
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/28/2011 08:09:00]我感到有改善...我都估唔到~
look like Tapenade !
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/28/2011 08:11:00]Tapenade Chinoise 試下夾面飽食
ice cream is not cold food? You sure? Never hear that treatment before, well, if it works, it is most important.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/28/2011 08:15:00]係『7』草綱目話,個神農氏係7e 呢樣野係古方,有左好耐,不過我都係呢2年先由我個醫師度知道,我都係騐住唔使放入口又唔太貴,試下無妨,點知真係work~
呢個我都想去睇下我有冇需要做!! 好似話鼻敏感都可以改善, 係咪?
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/28/2011 08:18:00]無錯呀! 有說鼻敏感有改善,但呢方面我就無太大改善,有塵時都係有....不過我都好建議朋友去貼下,因為我覺得好!但記住要啱時間,唔可以貼下唔貼呀
回覆刪除>>以前有雪糕 ?
[版主回覆07/28/2011 08:20:00]7草綱目係由2011年7月24日開始記載,所以......
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/28/2011 08:21:00]我喜歡嗅中藥,所以覺得香呢
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/29/2011 08:16:00]咦!你都同我差唔多時間做喎 各位, 又一例證呀~~
It is so funny. Australia's air is very fresh and clear but a lot of Australian especially young kids suffer asthma.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/29/2011 08:21:00]咁可能同媽媽懷孕時有關, 我發覺而家仲多左小朋友鼻膜薄添呀,流鼻血好難止
咁7草乂乂有冇話汽水不是生冷嘢。well 如果不雪凍佢這說法可成立.will you drink a coke at 36 degree or 4 degree?咁去飲熱茶仲健康啦.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/29/2011 08:24:00]汽水有無雪凍都係生冷野呀, 因為我戎到..好少飲, 但雪糕戎唔到呀...所以被列入非生冷食品lor...haaaa~
我姪女都是thin鼻膜佢好誇張one squeeze佢就流鼻血just like turn on the tap. She would held her nose in the toilet forever.
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/29/2011 14:37:00]再係咁..可以用冰敷o係個後尾枕同額頭...但唔好"鍊"個鼻骨
我邊度都無去。something is about the yahoo upgrade. A lot of people are talking. I have no idea what happen! 我想my blog is not that good so it is not bother me too much. A lot og bloggers love their blog and put Hugh effort to make it part of their life so it is a concern for them.
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/02/2011 10:14:00]無錯~ 因為人類已經生活o係第四世界...太沉迷會有反效果
[版主回覆08/02/2011 10:17:00]唉~ 我bb已經開始咁潺架喇,呢幾年都算好唔錯...你明知我今年去唔到大旅行仲引誘我 貢衰!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/03/2011 08:06:00]近年係多左好多宣傳, 要o係冬夏指定嘅時間內貼架喎, 你冬天可以乘機又返黎
我今年見電視節目介紹先知有呢種療法, 點解要連 full 3年呢? 有冇乜特別原因架?
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/11/2011 09:52:00]咁我又唔知喎... 我呢個星期六貼今季最後一次...記得時我問下e c先